Saturday, January 30, 2010

We're Going Out

Rainbow brights really do have an effect on your  mood. I'm trying to keep myself bright and happy to get through this brutal studying. I'm not so much worried about my grades on the tests, because I'm a good student and I believe I will do well. It's just ..oh I don't know, I just would rather not study. But I must! Haha oh dear I don't know what I'm talking about; I must get more sleep at night.

















Angelica said...

i cannot tell you how much this has brightened my day! such beautiful colors! i always wondered how they make those rainbow cupcakes and cakes; it seems to me like the batter would get all mixed together instead of staying seperated! but i like having little mysteries in my life, it makes life so much more enchanting when i don't know the answers to everything <3


harps said...

omg the rainbow cake!