What a lovely day it has been! Today, I attended the Wizard World Comic Con in Anaheim and it was wonderful. I felt so at home, amongst mega-nerds and fans of all sorts of pop culture. I primarily went for Star Wars but I could definitely appreciate everything that was there. I bought a Darth Vader shot glass, a Empire Strikes Back comic book (from the 80s!), and two vintage Batman comic books. I used to dislike Batman but I believe I've been converted. There were a lot of guest celebrities there (including Adam West, who I didn't get to meet - he was charging 60 dollars for an autograph..) that I didn't really know of but it was interesting talking to them anyway. I especially enjoyed my conversation with the guy who voices Grand Moff Tarkin on Clone Wars. He was awesome, he gave out free autographs. Oh, I'm starting to sound like a huge nerd. I don't care, Star Wars makes me so happy! There were those dressed as storm troopers, X-wing fighters, Darth Vader, Aayla Secura, Batman, Joker, Superman, Cat Woman, and a huge group garbed in Mandalorian armor (think Boba Fett). It was just a beautiful experience.
The pictures before that are random ones from the month of April. The first three are a continuation of the photoshoot I had with Joy, the next two are from a picnic, and the others are from Easter.
Also, Femme is looking for contributors for our Summer issue! Email femmesubmission@gmail.com if you want to see your work in a magazine!
Note that all submissions will not make it.