Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Would Have Climbed Up to the Moon if it Had Given You Peace

After reading The Druidry Handbook by John Michael Greer, I’ve experienced a revelation about the lifestyle I wish to lead. I have always been fascinated with pagan religions. I love how they stress the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with Mother Earth and how many of them don’t have an established doctrine. From my experience, the Neo-pagan religions I have experimented with never require their believers to do things a “certain way”. Overall, the beliefs of their adherents can vary. And I like that freedom to choose.
Druidism and Wicca are both polytheistic religions that are centered on the natural world. From my studies, I have learned how important it is to preserve the world we inhibit. So from this day on, I vow to pursue a simpler, yet richer, lifestyle. I wish to reject our society’s obsession with consumerism, materialism, and money. Buddhism preaches “desire leads to suffering” and I couldn’t agree with more. In the past, I have experienced the insatiable yearning for “things”. It seems that we are never truly satisfied with what we have and so we focus on acquiring even more. This sort of lifestyle is neither beneficial nor fulfilling. Well, at least for me.
I want to start meditating. I want to focus on myself and seek understanding and awareness. Instead of searching for answers around me or from other people, I want to find them myself. So much complacency and dogma exists in the world! I pledge to be a student, no matter how old I become. The world will be my teacher as I travel to find knowledge and cognizance. I refuse to settle! I refuse to be idle! And I refuse to be content with mediocrity and ignorance.
I realize how I need to do the right thing. There needs to be people who will do the responsible thing for others who cannot; and I want to be that person. It’s possible for individuals to make a difference and I want that too. I want so many things and recovery from an eating disorder has taught me that I have the right to pursue those things.
If any of you wish to join me in my quest for happiness, inner-peace, self-love, and earth preservation, please do. Having others who have the same goal is incredibly motivation. And readers, expect posts in the future regarding
my journey! I hope that my voice will inspire others to do the same.

picking flowers for the folks back home


Chelsea Nicole. said...

Should I check out that book? Or do you have any more in the same kind of vein? I love things like that. <3

Sia Jane said...

I consider myself to be on a spiritual journey and it has changed my life.
It truly has xxxx

Sofie said...

beautiful pictures, I like the dress!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post!

Chloé-M said...

I love flowers !

TN said...

This post reminds me of the books, "The Witch of Portobello" and "Brida" by Paulo Coelho. They're very strange novels, but they're also about pagan religions and Wicca. Perhaps you'd like them and can add them to your summer's reading list :)

Bérénice ♥ said...

Thx for your lovely comment!
Your blog is .. Just.. So fresh, and cute! i love the pictures!

paislea said...

your pictures are gorgeous per usual. i love this post.

allister bee blog

Anonymous said...

stunning pictures! The first and third ones are my favourites!

Felix Curds said...

i need to get my hands on this book, it sounds so beautiful and profound. lovely pictures:)

Katia said...

I'm personaly an atheist but I do yoga from time to time on my own because it's sort of meditation for me and it gives me peace. I would love to try a deeper, realer meditation though.. I'm sure you'll reach your goals :)

k said...

i just love your writing and your mind and your dreams, you are so inspiring!

Thanh said...

These photos are so relaxing to look at.

karen said...

These photos are just wonderful.
The Druidry Handbook is really interesting - I NEED to buy it soon!

Kaylia Payne said...

This sounds absolutely perfect. It is so easy to get caught up in the craziness that is life, but it's not fulfilling. We need to step back and appreciate, as well as look after, all that we have. I'm with you 100%!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

Your blog is stunning! Love all these pictures! =)


blouse said...

i love how you said "it is possible for individuals to make a difference" i believe that too, and am always attempting to do so!

good luck with this journey. you can certainly do it ;)

ps. your photos are so dainty. love them!


Eliska H said...

these are lovely!♥

Unknown said...

so interesting! I love these images, that eyelet top is gorgeous :)


rainboy said...

One of my friends left a lucrative job in UK to be a monk. He said he was finding himself. I support him coz he said that meditating and the teachings of budda made him happy...

I hope you find what you looking for...

take care and as always the pictures are superb.

Anonymous said...

that is a nice way to think... me personally, i find Spiritism very interesting and all about intimate reform as the way for progress and "salvation".

Haylee said...

I think it's awesome you want to start meditating. I've always wanted to try that as well. You'll have to let us know how it works if you try it.

"I pledge to be a student, no matter how old I become."
- I love this. I've found this more and more, especially lately now that I've graduated, how much more I value knowledge and the ability to learn from life. It's almost like now that I'm not forced to learn, I want to more. Funny how that works. Anyways, I'm going to pledge this too if you don't mind.

ashley moe said...

oh wow, what lovely, lovely photographs!

Bethany Heron said...

Great pictures- loving your blog :) xx


Lidiya said...

Super photos - lovely blog <3

Strawberry Freckleface said...

Love these photos! Such pretty flowers :-)

strawberry freckleface

valncami said...

love the photos!!

thank you for your lovely comment!!
we really appreciate it <3

hope you'll come visit us again soon
xo, camilla & valerie

The girl with the pretend crown said...

Inspirational post. Beautiful photos. Gorgeous blog :) xxx

Imogen said...

Love this post because it is relevant to my life at the moment. I have realised it is time for lifestyle chances and more understanding and awareness. There is a book I just ordered today which I hope will help me. I think you have the right attitude and I find your poss helpful to me.

fashionwise said...

great dress ! I love that it's crisp white !

great blog ! follow each other ?

have you seen my latest post ?

thekellytang said...

I feel the same way about needing to meditate, doing the right thing, and how unfulfilling material things are now. I can't wait to read more of your posts. I hope we can both reach the place where we want to go. :)

emily-kallista said...

Oh love this so much! you always post the most gorgeous stuff!